To the Greater Glory of God

Please email or contact the Parish Office for details.
Saturday 4:00pm - 4:45pm (the confessional is in the sacristy)
Please email or contact the Parish Office for details.
Please contact the parish office to make arrangements.
Please visit the Sacramental Program page of the website for information regarding Children's Sacraments.
Parish email :
Phone Number: 9580 1310
Parish News
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St Joseph's Live stream Mass
The Saturday Vigil Mass is live streamed on the St Joseph's Parish YouTube Channel here.
2024 Saramental Program
Visit the Sacramental Program 2024 page here or download the 2024 Sacramental Program dates here.
St Vincent de Paul
Last financial year the St Joseph's Oatley St Vincent de Paul Conference made around 60 home and nursing home visits and provided financial assistance to the sick, lonely and needy. The conference appreciates the support of Father John, the St Joseph’s School community, and all our benefactors in the parish. Meetings take place in the Marian Hall once each month (usually on a Tuesday morning) on a date that is published in the Upcoming Events section of the Parish Bulletin. Parishioners are always most welcome to attend.
Be part of the St Vincent de Paul Society's Good Works. Is there a desire in you to do something more? Would you like to reach out to those in need? Our local St Vincent de Paul Society conference is seeking new members to join them in their work of serving the disadvantaged and vulnerable members of our community. Men and women of all ages are welcome to join us. For further information contact: Sue Vit on 0407 291 722.